Managing Party Players

Initializing Players

All players including the party host will have a KronosPartyClient beacon created when they join the party. This is the main class that can be used to interact with the party. It's basically the equivalent of the PlayerController in the Unreal game framework.

  • ServerInitPlayer: Server side player initialization. If you have a backend service this is a good place to read the player's skill rating, fetch cosmetics, etc.

  • ClientInitPlayer: Client side player initialization.

Party Player Data

The KronosPartyPlayerState includes a Player Data framework that automatically replicates an integer array to all players. This makes it very easy to advertise data about each player, such as their profile level, the banner that they are using, or the character / class they are going to play.

Note that BeaconPlayerStates don't have RPC capabilities, so the player data can only be changed through their owning KronosPartyClient class instead.

Use the KronosPartyClient class to change player data:

  • SetPlayerData: Used to set the player data. Overrides previous player data entirely.

  • GetPlayerData: Used to read the player data using the KronosPartyPlayerState.

  • Player data can be initialized during the ServerInitPlayer and ClientInitPlayer events.

Party Player Skill Rating

The KronosPartyPlayerState stores the player's skill rating.

Note that BeaconPlayerStates don't have RPC capabilities, so the skill rating can only be changed through their owning KronosPartyClient class instead.

Use the KronosPartyClient class to change player skill rating:

  • SetPlayerElo: Used to set the player's skill rating.

  • GetPlayerElo: Used to read the player's skill rating using the KronosPartyPlayerState.

  • Skill rating can be initialized during the ServerInitPlayer and ClientInitPlayer events.

Party Player Ready State

The party system has a built-in ready up feature. Each party player has a ready state which can be toggled using the TogglePlayerIsReady function of the KronosPartyClient. The ready state of the player is stored in the client's KronosPartyPlayerState.

To check whether a player is ready or not, you can use the GetPlayerIsReady function available in both the KronosPartyClient and KronosPartyPlayerState classes.

By default the ready state of players doesn't affect anything, however you can easily build systems on top of this (e.g. only enable the matchmaking button if all party players are ready). To do this you can get all KronosPartyPlayerStates from the KronosPartyState, loop through them and check if everyone is ready.

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